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Solar Power Projects

Seeley Lake Homeowner Installs Solar, Keeps Surrounding Trees

To get a lender to include power in the mortgage for this log home at this remote site near Seeley Lake, the owner had to buy a generator.

The bank declined to finance the solar. With energy-efficient appliances and lights, this stand-alone system has met the home's power needs in spite of a 40 percent loss of solar access because the owner wanted to keep surrounding trees. Propane provides the power for heavy heating loads (water, stove, household backup heat) and the refrigerator.

The system, installed by Solar Plexus of Missoula, Montana, uses six Siemens 75-watt panels, a Trace 2400DR inverter, a C-40 controller and eight T105 220 amp/hr Trojan batteries.

Solar Plexus photo

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